"Ashes and Stones is an adventure in the form of a tour of the places and people the author encountered in a search for the stories of Scotland’s people condemned as witches.”
“Draycott gives a careful, clear history that presents the historical facts as best determined from the very incomplete and prejudiced fragmentary Roman sources.
“Operating under its law and order banner but hiding behind dog whistle rhetoric and white hoods, the Klan infiltrated nearly every aspect of daily life throughout post-World War I Colorado
“Wilkie has added a valuable piece to this puzzle of the past, allowing us a deeper sense of the world of upper-class women beyond being the names of wives to their much better known husban
“Thomas Jefferson: A Biographyof Spirit and Fleshexplores Jefferson’s great contradictions and ideas, especially around religion and slavery, yet the vi
“Horowitz has pieced together a fascinating story of a woman who ‘lied all her life’ and died in 1954 at the age of 86 in a Hove nursing home, taking her secrets with her.”
“Zhuqing Li’s Daughters of the Flower Fragrant Garden tells the heartrending, beautifully written, remarkable story of two sisters—Li’s aunts, inseparable as young girls—that circu
“Maybe this work is not a new way of seeing Benjamin Franklin but a way to consider many ideas about Benjamin Franklin in much the way that Franklin explored the world.”