“Deborah Dwork has fashioned an inspiring, wide-ranging, and gripping story of brave Americans living perilously among their refugee clients in dangerous wartime Europe and China.”
“Fascinating and well-written, Eden Undone expertly weaves together this complex tale of a doomed utopian vision. It’s compelling and unsettling and hard to put down.”
“In an era more susceptible than ever to cults of personality elevating the foolish and the dangerous, America First recounts a cautionary tale well worth knowing.
“pays tribute to two iconic 20th century intellects who held to the courage of their convictions and altered our sense of physical and psychological reality.”
Edward Wong, a diplomatic correspondent for the New York Times, has written a hybrid book that combines family history, a wider examination of China through the ages, snippets of reportage
“Muir’s ideas on race and religion . . . were far from remarkable and very much congruous with contemporaneous ideological hegemony. What stands out . . .
“Today, we require individuals with strength of spirit over the banality of evil, bravery over the malicious, and empathy for victims of hatred and lies.
The fathers and mothers who came home from World War II suffered from some reentry problems (see the 1946 film The Best Years of Our Lives) but for the most part these members of the Great
“Only to the white man was nature a ‘wilderness’ and only to him was the land ‘infected’ with ‘wild animals’ and ‘savage’ people.”
—Luther Standing Bear
“The Fixer is a fascinating read that is almost like looking in someone’s medicine cabinet—you know you’re not supposed to but curiosity gets the better of you.”
“When we first arrived in the United States, my father made me dictate everything I could remember about the years while we were apart.” These valuable notes form the basis for Janet Singer Applefi
“This is the story of a man whose love of country and the steps he took to secure its safety is well-written and interesting and deserves to be devoured.”
"A fascinating portrait of a man who left his mark all over present-day Israel in his great buildings and an even bigger mark on Christian imagination."
“The author keeps The Watchmaker’s Daughter a simple, unadorned story that makes the events even more horrific and universal—especially for our times.”