Political & Social Science

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What’s Real About Race? explores the race concept as a powerful socio-political construction and as an equally empty one from the perspective of the biological sciences.”

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“Deborah Dwork has fashioned an inspiring, wide-ranging, and gripping story of brave Americans living perilously among their refugee clients in dangerous wartime Europe and China.”

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“to ignore the missteps on America’s part that led to Ukraine’s tragedy would be to risk repeating the folly in the future.

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This book sets out to tell the story of “the female pioneers of Wall Street, its original She-Wolves, . . .

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“Lai’s story, Clifford writes, has ‘exposed the cruelty and barbarity of the Chinese communist system.’”

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"Ironic, isn't it, that people professing to be ‘Christians’ adamantly oppose the instructions and teachings of the person they claim to have accepted as their ‘personal savior.’"

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A convincing portrait of the artist as a young man—defiant, reckless, ruthless, and teeming with talent and ambition—Dead Air packs delights worthy of its subject

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“Wilson succeeded as President of the United States with reforms outside of social issues that, then and now, were used to thwart needed change.”

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“a narrative that’s deeply insightful and thoroughly convincing in its condemnation of the city of Greensboro, its police force, and the FBI for their complicity in a deadly Klan and Nazi a

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“this is not a balanced and academic book, but it does provide a vibrant narrative for those already skeptical of the tech industry.”

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Luis Buñuel—the great Spanish Mexican film director—brought to the big screen the lives of homeless, derelict kids in Los Olvidados (The Forgotten). The movie was released in the US as

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“Chomsky’s lifetime of activism and critique culminates in this volume, offering readers both a summary of his long-standing positions and a call to action.”

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“In this short but important book, Goeglein identifies the progressive culprits whose ideas led to the radical transformation of America’s culture.”

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“In his latest book War, Woodward’s obvious purpose is to help Kamala Harris defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 election.”

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“The Indian Card is about growing up as an enrolled Native American and what that means, from the harsh treatment in Indian schools to hardly making any difference

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“part memoir, part travelogue, part guide for writers, part polemic.”

Other Contributors:
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"For those wondering why they should bother to vote, these pages effectively dramatize why it matters and the cost we all pay when elections aren't free and fair."

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“a compelling story of the destruction and vileness [the protagonists] set in motion and the efforts to finally bring them to justice.”

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Thomas Piketty is a French economist who got his PhD at the London School of Economics and began his teaching career at MIT.

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“should be considered as a great, unit-driven classroom text for young people as it offers inroads to a variety of artists across numerous mediums from around the world.”

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“For the interested casual reader who loves history, The Muse of History is a worthy read . . .”

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If you think you have a challenging job, consider replacing the most popular man in America in the most challenging political office in the land.

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As Americans prepare to go to the polls in November what better time for adults to take their 4–8 year olds on a tour of the White House in this interactive picture book by Lindsay Ward.

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The Rev. William J. Barber II is one of the nation’s foremost civil rights and anti-poverty leaders. Although African American, he has always insisted on a multiracial agenda in his activism.

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"Even with segments that might raise the hackles or seem idealistic and unattainable, every page of this book is worth reading and discussing."
