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This book sets out to tell the story of “the female pioneers of Wall Street, its original She-Wolves, . . .

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“should be considered as a great, unit-driven classroom text for young people as it offers inroads to a variety of artists across numerous mediums from around the world.”

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"Some women aspired to become a housewife from an early age and are delighted with the role; others were relegated to it . . ."

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In her introduction to Divine Might: Goddesses in Greek Myth, Nathalie Haynes reflects on the view explored in her publication, that we humans create gods in our own image (rather than the

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“This important collection of voices of women who have changed—and are changing—the world gives inspiration to all who share their grief and vision.”

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Interviews are either appetizers or afterhours drinks. They either prepare you for a full conversation or one reads them to forget the long day.

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This is a substantive, as well as rather substantial (616 pages) publication, whose primary task is to analyze international and regional human rights treaty legislation designed to eliminate gende

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In her often witty and trenchant publication calling for revolution through female alliance, legal expert Diane L.

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Unshaved: Resistance and Revolution in Women’s Body Hair Politics deals with compliance with cultural norms of body hair removal—largely on the basis of data from American women— and the e

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We Should All Be Feminists: A Guided Journal is, really, a course about the world, as it is, as it has been, as it could be if we would finally see clearly the extent of the damage that pa

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“This is a long but never less than gripping book, though the rich examples are stronger than the analysis they feed.”

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Eleanor Roosevelt was a transformational figure for generations in the US and around the world.

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“tells a compelling story why the classics deserve a new look.