“The young girl lay tucked in her bed, her small body wrapped in the black habit of a Benedictine nun. Under her cap, her hair was clipped short in a quick and rough job.
“should be considered as a great, unit-driven classroom text for young people as it offers inroads to a variety of artists across numerous mediums from around the world.”
“For the reader who wants a time machine of the body and the heart, this novel is a great flight of fiction into the lives of three Wrights who dreamed—and of their times.”
“For the general reader or the beginning scholar of the ancient world on the path to become more, The Missing Thread is one of the works that makes a good starting point.”
Here is a book for anyone hoping to learn more about the emergence of female liberation; for any historian anxious to take in another facet of life in one of Europe’s most dazzling cities; and for
“A Murder in Hollywood shines a bright light into the dark crevices of Hollywood at a time when #MeToo wasn’t even something that was dreamed about, much less utte
“Southon tells the story of the Roman Republic and Empire from beginning to end ‘as told through women.’ The author’s history is that of a ‘bigger, richer—a more realistic empire.’”