
Reviewed by: 

“British journalist Robert Verkaik tells the story of Market Garden’s failure in the context of one of the most remarkable and consequential spy stories of World War II.”

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“Jade Scott explains that, depending on your belief, Mary Queen of Scots was innocent, naïve, cunning, manipulative, deceitful, adulterous, tyrannical . . . and more.”

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“to ignore the missteps on America’s part that led to Ukraine’s tragedy would be to risk repeating the folly in the future.

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“DeGaulle’s writing about politics and war is stirring and reflective, poignant and inspiring, passionate and stoic, detailed and contextual.”

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“provides an outstanding primer to understanding Russia’s military and strategic mindset and why and how Russia is conducting military operations under the leadership of Vladimir Putin.”

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“The young girl lay tucked in her bed, her small body wrapped in the black habit of a Benedictine nun. Under her cap, her hair was clipped short in a quick and rough job.

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“tells the story of one of England’s most successful monarchs, especially given the challenges he faced on his way to the throne.”

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Hero City is meticulously researched, descriptively written, and provides insightful analysis of German and Soviet military tactics, strategy, an

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“For the interested casual reader who loves history, The Muse of History is a worthy read . . .”

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Milton’s book reminds us that the exigencies of international politics, especially in time of war, constrain the options and shape the decisions of political leaders.”  

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“Hutton lets Clarke be the magician of World War II, which keeps the story entertaining, engaging, and exciting.”

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“an important look at the personal side of how World War II strategy was made . . .”

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Since the beginning of maritime trade, bands of pirates, privateers, or brigands have plundered ships.

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“a story of astonishing self-indulgence and greed by France’s tiny, privileged nobility at the expense of the subjects of the realm.”

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Here is a book for anyone hoping to learn more about the emergence of female liberation; for any historian anxious to take in another facet of life in one of Europe’s most dazzling cities; and for

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“Although the subtitle of the book credits Churchill with the fight to save civilization, in the end Dugard makes clear that is was the courageous pilots of the RAF . . .”

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“This fabulous book loaded with lavish photographs of the tapestries and arms and armor . . .

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Do Beatles fans really want to revisit this painful, bitter, divisive time in the life of the band who otherwise gave the world so much joy?”

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“Those who know about the Dreyfus Affair will learn as much from these pages as those who have never heard of it. Samuels offers a fresh lens on an old story . . .”

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“the story of the ghetto is the story of Jews in the Renaissance, their tenacity and ability to adapt, even thrive, in horrible circumstances.

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"There is so much information in this book that there is something to entice, annoy, and anger everyone. . . .

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"Well researched with wonderfully vivid details."

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“Kalayjian keeps suspense in his entertaining story in telling what might have otherwise been a dry history.”
