
Reviewed by: 

“Adams argues that the rules by which Early Medieval English kings exercised power ‘are the same rules by which politicians and corporations play today.’ That, however, is only one of the m

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"A thorough exploration of Vincent's journey to become an artist with a strong, distinctive vision."

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“British journalist Robert Verkaik tells the story of Market Garden’s failure in the context of one of the most remarkable and consequential spy stories of World War II.”

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“Jade Scott explains that, depending on your belief, Mary Queen of Scots was innocent, naïve, cunning, manipulative, deceitful, adulterous, tyrannical . . . and more.”

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“to ignore the missteps on America’s part that led to Ukraine’s tragedy would be to risk repeating the folly in the future.

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“DeGaulle’s writing about politics and war is stirring and reflective, poignant and inspiring, passionate and stoic, detailed and contextual.”

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“provides an outstanding primer to understanding Russia’s military and strategic mindset and why and how Russia is conducting military operations under the leadership of Vladimir Putin.”

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“The young girl lay tucked in her bed, her small body wrapped in the black habit of a Benedictine nun. Under her cap, her hair was clipped short in a quick and rough job.

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“tells the story of one of England’s most successful monarchs, especially given the challenges he faced on his way to the throne.”

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Hero City is meticulously researched, descriptively written, and provides insightful analysis of German and Soviet military tactics, strategy, an

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“For the interested casual reader who loves history, The Muse of History is a worthy read . . .”

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Milton’s book reminds us that the exigencies of international politics, especially in time of war, constrain the options and shape the decisions of political leaders.”  

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“Hutton lets Clarke be the magician of World War II, which keeps the story entertaining, engaging, and exciting.”

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“an important look at the personal side of how World War II strategy was made . . .”

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Since the beginning of maritime trade, bands of pirates, privateers, or brigands have plundered ships.

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“a story of astonishing self-indulgence and greed by France’s tiny, privileged nobility at the expense of the subjects of the realm.”

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Here is a book for anyone hoping to learn more about the emergence of female liberation; for any historian anxious to take in another facet of life in one of Europe’s most dazzling cities; and for

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“Although the subtitle of the book credits Churchill with the fight to save civilization, in the end Dugard makes clear that is was the courageous pilots of the RAF . . .”

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“This fabulous book loaded with lavish photographs of the tapestries and arms and armor . . .

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Do Beatles fans really want to revisit this painful, bitter, divisive time in the life of the band who otherwise gave the world so much joy?”

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“Those who know about the Dreyfus Affair will learn as much from these pages as those who have never heard of it. Samuels offers a fresh lens on an old story . . .”

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“the story of the ghetto is the story of Jews in the Renaissance, their tenacity and ability to adapt, even thrive, in horrible circumstances.

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"There is so much information in this book that there is something to entice, annoy, and anger everyone. . . .
