“these vivid studies of famous personalities and their interaction do tell us in some cases more about them than we knew, and perhaps confirm that this struggling model of conventional marr
“My husband of 26 years just died and, ironically, I am reviewing a book about writing obituaries by James Hagerty, the long-time obituary writer for The Wall Street Journal.”
“Brooks’ deep analysis of narrative and storytelling also demonstrates that the tools of the humanities often have far-reaching utility well beyond their supposed boundaries.”
“a writing guide that digs below thesis, punctuation, paragraphs, and sentence structure to offer a philosophical view of the art of written communication.”
“This book stands out as a practical manual for practical people—how to accomplish an objective using the shortest, most concise written product possible.”
“‘It doesn’t suit the Western establishment narrative that, yes, the West has political prisoners. It’s a reality, it’s not just me . . . .’”
—Julian Assange
“Chuck Palahniuk writes short . . . that is to say, his message is concise, given to us in few, well-chosen words that get the point across without a lot of fuss.”
“The challenge of making something from almost nothing is met by using the right words ‘frugally, parsimoniously.’ With the right words we can make the reader go places he could never imagi
“grab your secret decoder ring and your blaster, strap yourself in for liftoff, and enjoy. . . . The pictures in this book are reason enough to buy it.”