Arts, Design & Photography

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“a solid little book perfect for anyone interested in a jump-start introduction to James Barnor.”

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“one of the most captivating books on the market linking fine art with climate change.”

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“From a visual perspective, it is one of the loveliest fashion books to come out this year and would be a beloved volume for anyone who loves to look at gorgeous pictures.”

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“aesthetically embodies the era it is celebrating, and it does it flawlessly.”

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Contemporary Art Underground is a testament to the fact that art can be for everyone, and that municipalities that support public art are a boon for their communities.”

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Jouneaux has taken an excellent shot at taming the wild art history beast.”

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“Kalayjian keeps suspense in his entertaining story in telling what might have otherwise been a dry history.”

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Looking at Mexico / Mexico Looks Back is a slim, bilingual coffee table book highlighting the photography of Janet Sternburg, a woman far better known for her writing.

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This book offers subjective facets of the Dutch Golden Age (circa 1566 to -1688 or as late as 1713))——the personal stories of 17 major artists as distilled by a highly cultiv

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“a rather gripping story of a series of objects and their makers and how exile and emigration created a ripple effect  . . . that is . . .

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Every year since 1994, Vanity Fair has hosted a star-studded Oscar celebration.

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“The path to paradise is a rocky road with lots of detours and dead ends along the way. Some of them may even end in an apocalypse. Just ask Francis Ford Coppola.”

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“be ready to be inspired by what dreams, doodles, desires, and destinations start to show up.”

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“Through a parallel exploration of their life and careers, presenting their work in direct juxtaposition, Manet/Degas reveals the commonalities and divergences among their artistic

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“not only a thorough examination of the role portraits played in 14th paintings, he provides a stellar example of art historical thinking.”

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Latin American Artists: From 1785 is an inviting tome that beckons a look through and delivers a one-two punch of sensational imagery.”

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“In addition to recognizing the profound beauty of van Gogh’s work, Lloyd’s book fosters an appreciation for the artist’s authentic expression, and a sense of awe regarding the ferocity of

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Probably the best photograph that actor Dennis Hopper, a talented amateur, ever took is called “Double Standard.” It depicts a Los Angeles streetcorner from the front seat of a convertible.

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“some 200 pages of great, intelligently lit photography that shows off the lush fabric choices and clear vision of one of the most interesting designers of the last 50 years.”

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At night in London during World War II it was common for giant searchlights to scan the skies in an attempt to locate enemy aircraft.

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“a snarky, slapstick, clever buddy comedy in printed form where each riffs off the other’s talents, making Hell a hell of a lot of fun.”

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Amber Creswell Bell is back with a project similar in design to her previous book Still Life (2021).

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“one of the best books on fashion history to come out in the last year. Through excellent photography and sharp, insightful text, this tome packs more of a punch . . .”
