
Reviewed by: 

Cherry has the will and the strength to shoulder her poems, but also the knowledge, courage, and music to sing them into the air.”

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"Ironic, isn't it, that people professing to be ‘Christians’ adamantly oppose the instructions and teachings of the person they claim to have accepted as their ‘personal savior.’"

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“’Whether it’s “God Bless America” or blessing God in synagogue, Shulem is always singing.’”

Everyone has a story. . . .

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“In this short but important book, Goeglein identifies the progressive culprits whose ideas led to the radical transformation of America’s culture.”

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"Based on Gore's research, it appears Opus Dei is not founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ and that would not be someone they would attempt to recruit because poor carpenters are not Op

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“a compelling story of the destruction and vileness [the protagonists] set in motion and the efforts to finally bring them to justice.”

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“Traditionally, we are seen as victims of our biology and environment, but Whitehouse offers the intriguing (and even fun) view that we are the masters of our destiny.”

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The subtitle of Write like a Man is Jewish Masculinity and the New York Intellectuals, the implication being that the (mostly) Jewish intellectuals who dominated the mid-century A

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Sebastian Junger’s journey through the murky labyrinth of the near-death experience begins with an eerie series of events, if not premonitions, as if he was preparing for his death while fighting f

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“Those who know about the Dreyfus Affair will learn as much from these pages as those who have never heard of it. Samuels offers a fresh lens on an old story . . .”

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“the story of the ghetto is the story of Jews in the Renaissance, their tenacity and ability to adapt, even thrive, in horrible circumstances.

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"A fascinating portrait of a man who left his mark all over present-day Israel in his great buildings and an even bigger mark on Christian imagination."

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“most importantly, Twitty reminds us that you don’t have to be Black or Jewish to love koshersoul.”

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Holland writes about Rome with a Gibbonesque flair that both informs and entertains.”

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“a snarky, slapstick, clever buddy comedy in printed form where each riffs off the other’s talents, making Hell a hell of a lot of fun.”

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Fersko avoids polemics or self-righteous posturing, keeping a smart focus on practical realities.

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“Orit Avishai has infused great passion and time into her research and writing, which shows the reader that a person can be openly LGBTQIA+ and a practicing Jew who can live a joyous, fulfi

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"a fascinating narrative . . . Pegg is a masterful guide into the developing Christian world."

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Deeply engrossing and moving, this splendid biography gives us the remarkable man behind the tortured face.”

He taught us to bear witness.

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Testimony challenges the narrative that Evangelical Christianity is the gateway drug to White Christian Nationalism.”

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“This is a very dense volume, filled with detailed discussion on complicated issues of dogma, politics, and the incorporation of Christianity into European society writ large.”

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“Manguel introduces the reader to an important thinker who deserves to be far better known. It's a masterly feat . . .”

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“For dreamers and students, thinkers and searchers, Roma Downey’s Be an Angel is a collection of spellbinding essays that reads like a devotional.
