Science Fiction & Fantasy

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“a tense, well-plotted mystery with enough twists and turns to keep the reader engaged . . .”

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“Fantasy depends on immersion. Without it, the magic remains out of reach.”

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“Like diving into a swimming pool filled with cold water, its hard at first and a bit a shock, but when one becomes accustomed to the temperature, it quickly becomes an enjoyable frolic.”

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“a phenomenal book, the conclusion to a magnificent trilogy as well-written and psychologically powerful as the Regeneration Trilogy, which raised Barker’s stature more than three decades a

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Dogs and Monsters is, in spite of the pain it brings, a magnificent book.”

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Can a slim novel about death, violence and child abuse be charming? In the hands of Sanaka Hiiragi, the answer is yes.

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“Laurie fans will not be disappointed in A Trinket for the Taking. The concept of two different worlds in this cozy will draw the reader into a fantastical story.”

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“By the end of The Mirror it’s clear that Sonya and her allies need to enter the haunted past, retrieve seven rings (no hobbits though), and defeat the witch and her curse.”

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Usurpation, the third book in the series that began with Semiosis, is more of a companion novel than a continuation of the original story.

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“Make sure you ask someone whether they’ve even heard of Sallis, Knight, or Ellison before you gift-wrap this massive block of pages. It’s an acquired taste.”

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“Wascom’s vision, like a Flannery O’Connor story, comes like a bullet to the reader’s heart.”

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“This book promises high stakes, and then fails to deliver.”

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Napalm in the Heart is a powerful sensory and emotional experience.”

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“One does not have to be an avid reader of science fiction to become totally absorbed in the world Anton Hur creates in Toward Eternity . . .”

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“This could have been yet another Arthurian tale told ad nauseum over the decades, but here Lev Grossman stakes out a different kind of story that’s all his own.”

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“entertaining and fast-paced. . . . Readers who like plot-driven stories with heroic characters, dragons, and happy endings will find much to enjoy.”

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"The Family Experiment is first-rate and highly readable, science fiction with a heart and soul."

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“In spite of the earlier wanderings throughout the story . . . Elmendorf provides the reader with an engaging story that is hard to put down, and satisfying at the end.”

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“an intensely lyrical, philosophical novella by a gifted writer, easily capable of these sophisticated leaps and drops.”

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“Berman crafts a fast-paced thriller from gaming, app-building, and a reworking of the principles once offered to the American ‘hippie’ movement via a book called The Prophet.

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“offers readers the complicated, rich dimensions of life in and outside of Iran and the wide diversity of people daring to fight for freedom . . .”

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“A rivulet of authentic human grit runs through the core of Winters’ novels, with his characters’ struggles to just get by as important as any far-fetched plot twist.”

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“Author Hisashi Kashiwai is able to craft beautiful, heartfelt stories for his characters . . .”

Reviewed by: 

“Fans of mythology will find The Little Encyclopedia of Mythical Horses clever and educational—a book to be read over and over again.”
