“an easy read that provokes laughter throughout, but surprises with its serious themes and meaningful contemplations of friendship, loyalty, and bravery.”
The Fragile Threads of Power opens with a whirlwind of new character introductions, each chapter presenting a new setting and point of view, initially unrelated to the others.
“Written with his usual humor and panache, Tress of the Emerald Sea is an engaging story that brings another Cosmere magic system to Sanderson’s collection of adventures.”
Fact: Global warming will cause rising temperatures and sea levels, stronger storms, desertification, water shortages, heat waves, flooding and more, creating innumerable “climate refugees.” Since
“ . . . the world of cartographic research at the New York Public Library feels alive and real, and the magic of the book is unique and delightful . . .”
“a different vampire story, one that reveals more than a little poignancy as it strips away the gothic glamor and shows that vampires are merely people in a changed form . . .”
“Hard science fiction has a new virtuoso, and Critical Mass is a fine piece of futurism, startlingly entertaining and exceptionally thought provoking.”
“The entire Scholomance series is a master work of storytelling, filled with memorable characters, an original world, complex personal politics, difficult choices with real consequences, an