“Mariana Enriquez’s wild imagination, narrative mastery, and compassion for her haunted characters make A Sunny Place for Shady People consistently engrossing.”
You know those stories that go bump in the night? This, most definitely, is one of those. Marcus Kliewer’s first novel is an old-fashioned ghost story about a haunted house.
The Empusium reprises many aspects of Thomas Mann’s The MagicMountain: a sanatorium (this one in Lower Silesia) for the treatment of tuberculosis; a time period set in 1
“a well-constructed take on Bram Stoker’s classic Dracula with a gender-switching twist, making the story a thinly veiled allegory for the mistreatment and subjugation of women by
“a brutal, blood-filled story of an exaggerated protectiveness, revealing the height and depth of the maternal instinct, mother love to the nth degree.”
Brat, the debut novel of Gabriel Smith, has been alternately described as “thrillingly claustrophobic” (Ed Park, author of Same Bed Different Dreams) and “jauntily creepy” (Gabrie
“Gross, irreverent, darkly sarcastic, and molasses slow, Not Forever, but for Now is Palahnuik’s weakest book to date, not to mention least enjoyable.”
I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home might be described as a necroscape or “the big adieu,” with dying and dead characters sprinkled liberally throughout the three interspersed plots.
“Good characterizations—the killer’s point of view is woven throughout—as well as some delving into the protagonists’ inner thoughts, give this story that extra bite of reality, adding to t
“Anyone liking a tense mystery with elements of the supernatural, a villain who believes himself about to become a god, and a heroine who swears she’ll prevent it while at the same time ack
“It's a masterful and unexpected bit of literary legerdemain illustrating fully why Camilla Sten’s novels of psychological suspense have become internationally acclaimed.”
“Richard Thomas, the award-winning author of three novels, three short story collections, and over 150 stories in print, does not disappoint with his latest collection of short stories . .
“The psychedelic form, as well as the blatant splashes of color, make this graphic novel a feast for the eyes, while some of its themes will be recognizable to anyone familiar with Latin Am