
Reviewed by: 

“Mariana Enriquez’s wild imagination, narrative mastery, and compassion for her haunted characters make A Sunny Place for Shady People consistently engrossing.”

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You know those stories that go bump in the night? This, most definitely, is one of those. Marcus Kliewer’s first novel is an old-fashioned ghost story about a haunted house.

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The Empusium reprises many aspects of Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain: a sanatorium (this one in Lower Silesia) for the treatment of tuberculosis; a time period set in 1

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“a well-constructed take on Bram Stoker’s classic Dracula with a gender-switching twist, making the story a thinly veiled allegory for the mistreatment and subjugation of women by

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“a brutal, blood-filled story of an exaggerated protectiveness, revealing the height and depth of the maternal instinct, mother love to the nth degree.”

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Brat, the debut novel of Gabriel Smith, has been alternately described as “thrillingly claustrophobic” (Ed Park, author of Same Bed Different Dreams) and “jauntily creepy” (Gabrie

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“A very different, very deceptive but very entertaining Gothic tale.”

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“Lovecraft began writing when he was a teenager, crafting racist and politically reactionary poems and essays.

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“a fun bit of vampire courtship with a dash of a mystery thrown in for intrigue.”

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“Gross, irreverent, darkly sarcastic, and molasses slow, Not Forever, but for Now is Palahnuik’s weakest book to date, not to mention least enjoyable.”

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“Nesbø’s taken a mischievous left turn into modern mythology and added a substantial seasoning of Edgar Allan Poe.”

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“Great storytellers do more than entertain. They educate, they provoke, and they challenge our preconceived notions. Stephen King is Exhibit A.”

With a truly imaginative structure, Alice Hoffman delves into what has become her trademark theme of magic.

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“a horror tale designed to scare the dickens out of the reader.”

When viewed from a distance, it all begins harmlessly enough.

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I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home might be described as a necroscape or “the big adieu,” with dying and dead characters sprinkled liberally throughout the three interspersed plots.

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“Good characterizations—the killer’s point of view is woven throughout—as well as some delving into the protagonists’ inner thoughts, give this story that extra bite of reality, adding to t

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“Fans of Jim Butcher will love this fast-paced supernatural thriller, filled with just the right balance of horror and heart.”

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It’s nice when writers find their niche.

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“The significance of the dreams and the meaningful role they play in the plot is well done as is the blending of Cree mythology. . . . .

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“The Witch in the Well is terrifying in its narration, as well as ironic, a story of two women engaged in a deadly rivalry.”

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“Anyone liking a tense mystery with elements of the supernatural, a villain who believes himself about to become a god, and a heroine who swears she’ll prevent it while at the same time ack

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“It's a masterful and unexpected bit of literary legerdemain illustrating fully why Camilla Sten’s novels of psychological suspense have become internationally acclaimed.”                  

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“Richard Thomas, the award-winning author of three novels, three short story collections, and over 150 stories in print, does not disappoint with his latest collection of short stories . .

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“A ghost and the new owner of her home set out to solve a mystery and uncover a more sinister secret than a mere haunting.”

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“The psychedelic form, as well as the blatant splashes of color, make this graphic novel a feast for the eyes, while some of its themes will be recognizable to anyone familiar with Latin Am
