
Reviewed by: 

“This 24th in the series will do for a quickly moving airport or travel read, but only the ‘mental disorder as disability’ premise is memorable . . .

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“a page-turning exploration of love, motherhood, and secrecy.”

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“It sounds like the opening of a joke: Four lawyers die in a plane crash.

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“A book impossible to put down.”

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“Pick this one up for light entertainment, flawless narrative, and a charming throwback to the best of what a city crime novel once delivered.”

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“Part love story, part adventure, and part mystery, The Fox Wife is an enjoyable excursion into the beliefs and life in the China of 120 years ago.”

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“Klavan’s writing ability and his intelligence show up on every page and make the ride worthwhile.”

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“Craig Johnson is one of the best in the business, and the Walt Longmire series never fails to satisfy.”

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“Allow this novel to float its ideas and its just—if not legal—solutions with its philosophy, and accept an end-of-summer blessing.”

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“a brilliant work, beautiful in its language and descriptions, but probably best read in its original language.”

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“Kelly Rimmer’s scenes in both eras are fraught with anxiety, urging the reader to keep turning the page, anxious to learn about each character’s experiences, right up to the very end.”

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"one of the sharpest, funniest, first date scenes in contemporary fiction"

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“a whimsical story of a hero on a quest, who attains his goal only to discover a changed life as his Happily Ever After.”

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More than 40 years ago, Nancy Harmon was a young mother charged with drowning her two children, and due to a technicality, she was set free.

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“Fergus’ writing lays out both the struggles of a new nation, and the pains of growing into determined manhood with its allegiances, regrets, and consolations.

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“Abbas has drawn a rich and believable cast of characters, and we feel sympathy and involvement with them all.”

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The Innocent One is Lisa Ballantyne’s latest novel, a psychological thriller that features Daniel Hunter as a criminal attorney who assumes the defense of an accused murderer with a darkne

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The loss of a child is heartbreaking; it can either make or break a marriage and tear a parent apart to the point of no longer wanting to go on. This is the case with Sheriff Jax Turner.

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“Osman’s resolution of the various crimes and his manner of letting his team uncover the murder(s) are clever and captivating.

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Fans of Ellen Byron’s previous cozy mysteries will be disappointed in Bayou Book Thief, her latest endeavor.

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“The Woman in the Library is a page-turner from beginning to end.”

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“A Secret About a Secret resonates with the deep melancholy and simmering resentments that classic hard-boiled detective fiction embraces, but with far more grace

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Lizzie and Dan Fulton are barristers in the United Kingdom. While Dan, a defense attorney, handles a job Lizzie could never imagine doing, she deals with custody issues.

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“Crime Hits Home is a worthy addition to every crime fiction fan’s bookshelf.”

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Roscoe Conklin, (R to his friends) retired from the Rockford, IL, police department, has settled into a new life on Bonaire, a small Caribbean Island.
