“Kelly Rimmer’s scenes in both eras are fraught with anxiety, urging the reader to keep turning the page, anxious to learn about each character’s experiences, right up to the very end.”
“Fergus’ writing lays out both the struggles of a new nation, and the pains of growing into determined manhood with its allegiances, regrets, and consolations.
The Innocent One is Lisa Ballantyne’s latest novel, a psychological thriller that features Daniel Hunter as a criminal attorney who assumes the defense of an accused murderer with a darkne
The loss of a child is heartbreaking; it can either make or break a marriage and tear a parent apart to the point of no longer wanting to go on. This is the case with Sheriff Jax Turner.
“A Secret About a Secret resonates with the deep melancholy and simmering resentments that classic hard-boiled detective fiction embraces, but with far more grace
Lizzie and Dan Fulton are barristers in the United Kingdom. While Dan, a defense attorney, handles a job Lizzie could never imagine doing, she deals with custody issues.
“With a gentle hand, Ella Shane draws back the curtain revealing that crime does exist in her world, while at the same time showing that goodness and mercy also abide.”
“This is both a clever mystery with a satisfying ending as well as a tense thriller driven by people, not by neat contrivances. Jane Harper has pulled off another stunner.”
“The twists in what ‘love’ means and how people create their own strange moral universes are classic Kelly, and reminiscent of Barbara Vine at her spookiest.”
“This sustained compelling storytelling like Lehane and French, now in Reuland’s hands, lifts Brooklyn Supreme far above a conventional cop or legal novel into tormented wrestling
Fans of Lynne Truss may find her newest mystery, Psycho by the Sea, both entertaining and amusing. But not so much for anyone who has not read her work before.