“Laurie fans will not be disappointed in A Trinket for the Taking. The concept of two different worlds in this cozy will draw the reader into a fantastical story.”
“’And right there, over what would be the monastery of Saint-Gilbert-Entre-les-Loups, was an asterisk. In bright red ink, like a splotch of blood . . .’”
“Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez is quoted as saying on the frontispiece of The Lost Letters from Martha’s Vineyard.
“Mentink has designed a story that will keep the reader wondering, and then knowing, and then wondering again, as the suspects and victims keep changing places.”
“Murder of course means dysfunction somewhere—but what a relief, for summer reading, that in Hidden Beneath the taint of malice swishes past, and courage can take over.”
“Kincaid provides some good clues and foreshadowing with books, journals, handwriting, and broken hearts whose purpose becomes clear at the book’s end.”
Emily George’s debut novel A Half-Baked Murder has all the right stuff for a good cozy: a female main character who returns home after five years and a broken heart, a dead body, a falsely
“Fergus’ writing lays out both the struggles of a new nation, and the pains of growing into determined manhood with its allegiances, regrets, and consolations.
“Since this is about show biz folks, there’s plenty of name-dropping of people, places, and events to titillate while bringing the story easily into the reader’s world, making it both conte