"An important addition to Hurston's literary canon, showcasing her skills both as storyteller and historian. This is essential history and literature all in one."
“challenging, but endlessly fascinating, as the reader follows Mamush’s geographical, mental, and spiritual journey. . . . a poignant and beautiful book.”
A new Jesmyn Ward novel is a literary event. Ward has won the National Book Award twice with works that encapsulate the U.S.’s horrific history of racism and inequality.
“Despite the magnetic pull of eagerly described physical attraction, there’s never a moment when Alex Walton yields control over her own heart and life.”
“the best thing about Juneteenth is the joyful tone of the narrative, which is conveyed by the artwork. The illustrations are colorful, vibrant, and clear.”
“Onuzo has created a character that readers will want to cheer for. She has also crafted a believable and powerful story filled with hope and forgiveness.”
“Reading Light Skin Gone to Waste will remain with us as a multilayered experience and an exquisite example of the art of contemporary American short fiction.”
“From the first page, As the Wicked Watch, told in first person through the eyes of Jordan Manning, straps readers in and takes them on a breathless and bumpy ‘whodunit’ ride that
“The Personal Librarian is a good, well-paced creative nonfiction book about a real person that will snag the reader and hold his or her attention from beginning t
A young, Black woman in Parsons, Georgia, raised by her grandmother and living somewhat contentedly in a community of God-fearing good folk comes of age in 1936, surrounded by a world built on slav
“In its winding subterranean travelogue, and profoundly evocative, allegorical blues surrealism, The Man Who Lived Underground reads less like a follow-up to Wright’s naturalist
Tim Fielder’s book Infinitum tells the story of Aja Oba, an ancient African king who steals the son of his concubine and is cursed with immortality in revenge.