“What’s perhaps most remarkable about Blood Grove—as with all Easy Rawlins novels—is Mosley’s undiminished gift for embedding the poignant messaging of the protest novel in hard-bo
“As a feat of reclamation for the Camelot-like heyday of Black Detroit, Black Bottom Saints, like the legendary impresario at its center, makes plentiful Motown magic.
“Edie just wants to be herself, but trapped somewhere between the luster of her skin and her own lust for rough sex and only half-requited love, she never seems to figure out exactly who th
The buzz surrounding Joe Ide at the 2017 Bouchercon Convention in Toronto was palpable as he was presented with the Anthony Award for his debut crime novel IQ. Once he’d also picked up the
“Ta-Nehisi Coates has long been among America’s most clear-eyed scholars of race and racism. The Water Dancer is a masterpiece built within that clarity.
“engaging characters, relatable issues, and hip-hop flavored poetry will have readers scarfing up this latest offering like a banana split in summertime.”
Post-apocalyptic novels featuring orphaned teenage girl protagonists proliferate. They fill their own shelves in bookstores, and their adaptations feed film studios and crowd streaming services.
“In West Mills powerfully pays homage to the defiant and affirming spirit of Their Eyes Were Watching God while imagining a vivid and compelling world with distinctive cha
If you are an admirer of the FBI and/or the CIA you may not like this book, but you still should read it. The FBI is seen as too bureaucratic for its own good and many of its agents inept.
Glory Edim is the founder of the hugely successful Well-Read Black Girl, a Brooklyn-based book club and digital platform that celebrates the uniqueness of black literature and sisterhood.
Kehinde Wiley, the artist known for his portraits of street blacks in historical settings, said, “Art is about changing what we see in our everyday lives and representing it in such a way that it g
Long a staple of antebellum American newspapers, “ranaway slave” advertisements afford the reader fascinating—if also horrific and heartbreaking—insights into the lives of fugitive slaves and their