Origin Stories by Corinna Vallianatos is a collection of fictional stories highlighting an array of women characters and the people in their lives, in various moments of their marriages, f
“Make sure you ask someone whether they’ve even heard of Sallis, Knight, or Ellison before you gift-wrap this massive block of pages. It’s an acquired taste.”
“While those with a preference for straightforward, gritty noir may be thrown off by these otherworldly curveballs, others who enjoy cross-cultural context mixed in with the shadows will fi
“’It’s hardly surprising that crime fiction, with its insistence upon one inarguable ending and a landscape in which the guilty are punished and the innocent freed to continue with their li
“These tales are presented as humorous, but it’s a humor that hides a piercing sorrow at the state of the world and the costs of love and friendship in such a world.”
“Carlaftes’s compendium is a hysterical and delightful excursion into the American presidency from the time Andrew Jackson dove into the River Styx to avoid the Grim Reaper until President
If you’ve ever flown, then you’ll know the fear that can sometimes come with the experience; the unexpected turbulence, unforeseen weather events, the vertigo, the constant possibility that somethi
Falling in Love with Hominids opens with the confession, “I didn’t used to like people much.” Author Nalo Hopkinson acknowledges that as a teen she did not have much hope for the human spe
“. . . an excellent book for those interested in the journalism greats, both past and reasonably contemporary. It should be required reading for journalism majors.”