Ancient Civilizations & Prehistory

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"An important addition to Hurston's literary canon, showcasing her skills both as storyteller and historian. This is essential history and literature all in one."

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“a phenomenal book, the conclusion to a magnificent trilogy as well-written and psychologically powerful as the Regeneration Trilogy, which raised Barker’s stature more than three decades a

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“Haynes is a perceptive writer, and you’ll likely find yourself agreeing with her interpretation of the Medusa myth.”

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“Stokes-Chapman’s writing is strong; her story travels a direct line from beginning to end with no distractions or excessive backstory.

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“grab a copy of this book and be transported back to the Roman Empire circa 55 CE . . .”

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A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes, though billed as a novel, is a collection of vignettes and interrelated stories concerning various goddesses, nymphs, and mortal women connected in some

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“A sweeping panorama of events set in motion to re-establish power in the years after the death of Julius Caesar.”

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The Book of Longings is well named, well inspired, and well imagined—a superlative effort from a writer at the top of her game.”

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“Karsten Knight easily captures a teen girl’s voice, doing so with snap and wit.