
Reviewed by: 

“An intriguing novel, as well as a horrifyingly revealing one, on many levels.”

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You know those stories that go bump in the night? This, most definitely, is one of those. Marcus Kliewer’s first novel is an old-fashioned ghost story about a haunted house.

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“a brutal, blood-filled story of an exaggerated protectiveness, revealing the height and depth of the maternal instinct, mother love to the nth degree.”

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“These Southern Stepford wives will match Scarlett O’Hara for sheer determination and surpass Buffy the Vampire Slayer with their courage, while giving the reader an unexpected ironic chuck

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“The scope of Camp’s mythological knowledge continues to be impressive, even as he builds a cosmos that is distinctly his own.”

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“an enthralling account that stands out from the pack of environmental literature.” 

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“an offbeat, occasionally absurd but haunting tale of life, death, heartbreak, and ultimately, redemption . . .”

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The story continues . . . of Xanther and her pet cat. The Familiar, Volume 4: Hades, by Mark Z.

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“It is no accident that J. R. Ward’s series are beloved. She is a master writer.”

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“a suspense novel with a hovering expectation of supernatural dread . . .”

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“Love. Lust. Paranormal power. An ancient curse, and battles between Good and Evil.”

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In a story about good versus evil, Jonathan Ryan brings an old-school vibe back to contemporary horror. 

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In a story about good versus evil, Jonathan Ryan brings an old-school vibe back to contemporary horror. 

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“. . . a fascinating journey through the psyche . . .”

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Howard Owen’s The Reckoning examines the complex relationships between fathers and sons as well as the unerring tendency of the past to haunt the present.