
Reviewed by: 

“An intriguing novel, as well as a horrifyingly revealing one, on many levels.”

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“Mariana Enriquez’s wild imagination, narrative mastery, and compassion for her haunted characters make A Sunny Place for Shady People consistently engrossing.”

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“The significance of the dreams and the meaningful role they play in the plot is well done as is the blending of Cree mythology. . . . .

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“The psychedelic form, as well as the blatant splashes of color, make this graphic novel a feast for the eyes, while some of its themes will be recognizable to anyone familiar with Latin Am

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“a lovely, slightly eerie, and definitely haunting story—of the magic of young love and the attraction of the unknown.”

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In style, story content, and characterization, Dracula’s Child is truly the sequel to Bram Stoker’s Dracula, succeeding where other, more famous attempts

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“King has a way of subliminally drawing in his reader to believe a horrific and chilling premise as quite possible.”

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“Any reader who likes the literary convention of placing real-life people in fictional situations will wholeheartedly enjoy Stoker’s Wilde.”

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“A skillful blending of paranormal horror with a political thriller.”

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It seems everyone is on a diet, but what about those who aren't, yet are dropping pounds? This is the predicament baffling Scott Carey. Every time he steps on the scale, he weighs less.

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“For the dedicated Anne Rice/Lestat fan as well as the newcomer just discovering the series, this soft-cover volume is a must.”

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“Masterfully written and sure to supply plenty of creepy-crawlies, The Outsider by Stephen King once again hits the ball out of the park.” 

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It is said that imitation is the purest form of flattery. Be that true, the question becomes what hold does a feeble imitation of a literary classic have on flattery.

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“Lee Markham’s The Truants is a welcome and memorable addition to the vampire subgenre, full of original ideas and some nightmarishly vivid imagery.”

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“There are mysteries men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part.”

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It is the mid-1930s. Rumania has been invaded by Germany; SS officers are in control of Brasov and surrounding towns. Townspeople are brutalized and arrested, disappearing, never to return.

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a delightful sampler of the grotesque and absurd.”

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“Curran has taken the horror master ’s sense of inherited dread and given it a second and tighter twist . . .

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“Brian Moreland deftly blends Algonquian legend with Catholic belief, creating a spiritual plague and a villain that are more chilling than the scariest creations of either belief system.