Matt Briggs
Matt Briggs is the author of eight works of fiction including The Strong
Man and Virility Rituals of North American Teenage Boys. His novel Shoot the Buffalo was a finalist for the 2006 Washington State Book Award and won the 2006 American Book Award. Of his first book The Remains of River Names, The New York Times Book Review wrote: “Briggs has captured the America that neither progressives nor family-value advocates want to think about, where bohemianism has degenerated into dangerous dropping out.”
The Italian edition of The Remains of River Names was released last year by ad est dell’ equator (Napoli), and a new collection of prose is forthcoming from Dr. Cicero Books.
His stories have appeared in The Chicago Review, Word Riot, BULL, Opium Magazine, ZYZYYVA, and elsewhere. His fiction has won a number of prizes including The CityArtist Award from the City of Seattle, The Nelson Bentley Prize in Fiction from The Seattle Review, and The Stranger Genius Award.
He has an MA from the Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins, and lives near Seattle.