Elections & Political Process

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“The changing of the guard from baby boomers to Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z deserves our attention because of the possible scale and nature of its impact.”

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“Throughout the book, O’Rourke mixes positive with negative as he discusses where the country is and how it got here, primarily with his focus on history in Texas.”

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Slanted is Attkisson’s most recent effort to expose the biases and corruption in the mainstream media even as she laments ‘the death of the news as we once knew it.’”

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Americans have stopped listening—to each other and to their institutions.

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“A recognition slowly arises that we are all in this together and the time for an awakening to that fact is now.”

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“an unvarnished look at how religion can be corrupted by people who use the Bible to support their own insidious and prejudiced views of people with whom they disagree or find no common gro

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A sobering, scarifying account that leaves the reader exhausted and in awe at the author’s endurance during these ritual gatherings of the MAGA tribe.”

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“This book is about what makes us vote as we do and keep coming back to this cultural ritual rain or shine, hell or high water.”

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Uncounted . . . explores methods that take away the right to vote, while we sleep . . .

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“With the current campaign ramping up more and more each day, something surely needs to be done to ensure all citizens’ votes are counted and that fairness and legitimacy are the hallmarks

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“Donald Trump appears to conceive politics like business and sex—a combat zone contesting personal power, with winning the only pleasure.” 

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“Jennifer Silva serves as much as an academic scholar as a personal therapist, and a reader has to ask how she could endure the endless suffering experienced by her all-too-honest subjects.

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By usual publishing standards, this new edition of a 1971 book shouldn’t exist and shouldn’t be relevant today.

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Identity is an important contribution to the conversation on this timely and important topic.

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“Holtzman is courageous in writing this book. It certainly won’t win her a White House invitation to the Christmas Party.

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“Identity Crisis is a good primer on the 2016 election, though it will not resolve debates about the relative importance of economic and racial factors and how the

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Fight for Liberty should be required reading for every college student—indeed, for every American and, regardless of their nationality, every person capable of reading and understanding th

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National security correspondent for the Washington Post Greg Miller has written an up-to-date account of Donald Trump, Putin’s Russia, and the subversion of American democracy. 

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Reliving the 2016 presidential election sounds about as appealing as dental surgery, yet this is what Amy Chozick, the New York Times reporter who covered Hillary Clinton’s campaign, asks

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well researched and well written, chronicling some of the major protest successes and failures of the last 70 years.”

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Robert Mueller’s investigations can stop. If they seek proof of a conspiracy between Russian operatives and the Trump campaign to determine the U.S.

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“reading [this book] should motivate many to take action to end the practices exposed therein.”
