
Reviewed by: 

“Michael Gordon provides a masterful combination of strategic analysis, a study of command, and a combat narrative to create a comprehensive and at times disturbing account of the fight aga

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The author of this book, veteran terrorism expert Nelly Lahoud of the New America Security Program, sifted through 96,000 declassified files (and 6,000 Arabic pages) seized from Osama bin Laden’s c

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Books like this are important as 9/11 continues to fade into past history for many Americans, a distant reminder of that period of time when all Americans united to overcome trage

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"Deport, Deprive, Extradite: 21st Century State Extremism is an excellent resource to gain knowledge of the unjust reality of the U.S. war on terror . . ."

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"Kepel skilfully knits together the threads of unemployment in France’s urban departements and how fake news and conspiracy theories help to quickly move the process of radicalizat

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Americans should pay close attention to Malcolm Nance.

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Graeme Wood traces the origins of this work and his pursuit of greater understanding of the Islamic State to having almost been killed by a suicide bomber in Mosul in 2004.

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You Will Not Have My Hate is French journalist Antoine Leiris’ memoir written in the days after he learned that his wife Hélène Muyal-Leiris had been slaughtered at the Bataclan Theatre in

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The front cover of The Battle for Syria shows a hand composed of the flags of regional and international powers reaching across a bullet-ridden map of Syria.

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“Hovitz had the grit, determination and resources to pull herself out of the morass of PTSD. What about the rest of her generation growing up in this post-September 11 world?”

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Modern warfare in general and asymmetrical warfare specifically and in particular in the War on Terror have been especially characterized in recent years by the overarching reach and influence of t

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Such is the level of horror coming out of the conflict in Syria and Iraq that people have become numb to the statistics.