
The words “with me” tickled Salman Khan’s imagination when he was naming his new invention, an AI tutor for academic studies.

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"For [international students] are, indeed, commodities in a larger academic capitalist system that has grown to depend on them for its survival." 

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Alexandra Robbins opens her compelling and highly important book, The Teachers, with a brilliant hook: “You may think you know what’s inside, but you don’t,” and then repeats, throughout h

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“a carefully crafted and concisely arranged assortment of diverse interviews of high school students in which they attempt to explain the challenges of circumnavigating a rapidly transformi

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“To be able to brag that your son or daughter was accepted at Harvard or Yale or Stanford checked off a box for status-hungry parents.

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“Higher education in America is being rapidly reshaped under conditions of unprecedented volatility.* The very notion of the university as a public good is under wholesale siege.