Janet Levine

Janet Levine is a South African born, American author. Her publications include six books: Leela’s Gift, a novel; Inside Apartheid, a political and personal memoir of her activism in the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa; and two books on the Enneagram, Know Your Parenting Personality, and The Enneagram Intelligences. The latter was nominated for the Grawemeyer Education Award 2000, and is considered a “classic” in Enneagram literature (there are several foreign editions as well).
Her latest nonfiction work is Reading Matters: How Literature Influences Life, also nominated for several awards. Her 2023 historical fiction saga, Liv’s Secrets, is set in South Africa (1880s-1960) and is already nominated for awards. A decades' long freelance journalist, she has been published in the New York Times Magazine, Boston Globe, The Yale Review, and many other publications. She has been a residency fellow at the VCCA and the Hambidge Center and is a member of the Authors' Guild.
In 2013 she retired after 30 years from teaching Literature and Philosophy at Milton Academy, Massachusetts, to concentrate on writing. Currently she lives and writes in southwest Florida.