Many people may have read the articles, tweets, or even previous books of New York Times journalist Nicholas D Kristof but Chasing Hope is his first autobiography.
“Sometimes nonfiction is even more intriguing than fiction, and Preston certainly knows how to keep readers’ attention while taking them on a journey into the mysteries of the past.”
Serious foodies have always raved about Tokyo’s fabulous food finds in a city where no matter the time of the place, there’s always a treat ready to be had.
In her introduction to this memoir, Donna Leon confesses, “I have never planned more than the first step in anything I’ve done.” Perhaps that is why Wandering through Life is a series of s
“Compass Lines is a stunning travelogue and memoir about culture, travel, employment, searching for life’s meaning, and, especially, searching for home and family.”
“The Flatboat Patience’s colorful come-and-go crew of cosplaying and pedantic historical re-enactors, a gadget-head food-snob galley chef, and alternately doomsaying and day-saving
In the winter of 1949 the celebrated French avant-garde artist Jean Cocteau came to New York to give a talk at the screening of his latest film, The Eagle with Two Heads.
Though Tom Zoellner’s The National Road: Dispatches from a Changing America came out at the end of this unprecedented year, it is unlikely that even the author could have imagined the “cha
“The memoir succeeds, with its deceptively quiet descriptions of autumn both in the natural world, and in the season of his and Hiroko’s own lives, in echoing a uniquely Ja
Tony Perrottet intends his well-researched Cuba Libre! to be “entertaining and readable, unsaturated by ideology.” He succeeds in the first but not the second. Perrottet doesn’t discuss i
"Civil wars, revolutions, invasions and fascist dictatorships formed the political backdrop that defined the works produced in Madrid over the centuries."
"White Fury tells a highly readable complete history of the once-powerful colonial Jamaican sugar economy through the letters of Simon Taylor, one of its greatest planters."
For those of us who are devotees of budget travel, Seth Kugel’s “Frugal Traveler” column often seemed the most readable contribution to the New York Times travel section.
Parts of this book might have been written by the American couple deliberately run over by a car driven by alleged ISIS supporters in Tajikistan this summer.
Dave Eggers, the accomplished Northern California novelist, returns to nonfiction storytelling with this captivating account of a young Yemeni-American businessman who dreams of reviving his homela
Laurie Gwen Shapiro’s The Stowaway is the adventure of Billy Gawronski, a first-generation Polish-American living in Bayside, New York, who on the day of his graduation from high school at
The Canary Islands: A Cultural History is anything but a traditional guidebook. It is rather a fusion of literature, history and travel sure to prove both useful and inspiring.