“offers a vivid portrayal of colorful, controversial politicians—figures less concerned with governance than with self-preservation, headline-grabbing antics, and stoking public outrage.”
The United States confronts many problems besides an often recalcitrant and myopic Senate.
“This is a book that should be required reading in every high school—actually every American should read it.
“the stirring His Truth Is Marching On will serve nicely for readers who want to understand the essence of Lewis . . .”
Neal Katyal makes an unimpeachable case, concise but comprehensive, for impeachment. The author of Impeach knows the law and how to practice it.
“Ted Stewart has his own set of religious and societal values, and he explains them well as part of his tirade against the current Supreme Court.
“Elizabeth Warren continues to be a forceful advocate for the needs of ordinary, hard-working Americans . . .”