If your “to do” list is never ending, set it aside, get cozy on the couch, and read Cal Newport’s Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout.
“‘I became convinced that we must create a world in which no one is super rich—that there must be a cap on the amount of wealth any one person can have.
It is probably fair to say that even the most avid fashionista is not aware that the Kering group—a multinational corporation that owns everything from Gucci to Alexander McQueen to Yves Saint Laur
“In Game of Edges, Bruce Schoenfeld has produced a clear and interesting presentation of the revolutions that are still booming through professional sports.”
“Liu, an expert on international political economy at the Council on Foreign Relations, shows how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses ‘sovereign leverage funds’ to promo
“for anyone wanting to truly understand the historical basis for economic globalization and how it has evolved past some of the major economic crises of the last two centuries, it offers va
“The changing of the guard from baby boomers to Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z deserves our attention because of the possible scale and nature of its impact.”
Wow, Sorvino’s Raw Deal is about as depressing as they come. “They” being critiques/exposés of the food industry systems in the US. This one is relentless. But not very original.
“A duo of enabling events opened the door to the descent into legal unprofessionalism, starting with a Supreme Court decision that permitted lawyers to advertise, at least on a limited basi