Tom Bunn
After graduating from Wake Forest University in psychology and philosophy, Tom Bunn entered the U.S. Air Force. He was number one in his class when receiving his wings. He flew the first supersonic jet fighter, the F-100, and did accident investigation. He raced a Lola Mark 5 in Europe and the U.S., winning a Sports Car Club of America National Champtionship in Formula C. After the Air Force, he flew internationally with Pan Am and United Airlines. He retired as a 767 captain.
In 1982 he founded SOAR to develop more effective methods for dealing with flight anxiety and panic. This led to graduate school at Fordham University where he earned a Masters Degree with top honors, and postgraduate study at the Gestalt Center of Long Island, the New York Training Institute For Neurolinguistic Programming, and The Masterson Institute.
He is the author of three books: SOAR: The Breakthrough Treatment for Fear of Flying, and Panic Free: The 10-Day Program to End Panic, Anxiety, and Claustrophobia, and Panic Free Pandemic Workbook: Exercises To Calm Pandemic-Related Fear, Anxiety, and Claustrophobia