
Reviewed by: 

“‘The mind remains a great frontier, and we need thinkers and artists to join us in exploring the perplexing cosmos within our heads.’”

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“He began to sing. In a beautiful, sonorous baritone voice that caused the guard to freeze in his tracks.”

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The Experience Machine How Our Minds Predict and Shape Reality by Andy Clark has a relatively simple yet amazing core tenet.

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I Must Be Dreaming is your ticket to the dreamland of a genius.”

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Writing a book on neuroscience that is decipherable by the average reader is no easy task.

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“Forty-eight brief and provocative chapters provide much to consider. Is it too much to call this latest book magisterial?

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“As a welcome surprise, Seven and a Half Lessons is part self-help book on how to manage our own quirky brains and part manifesto on how to move forward to heal this country’s poli

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Livewired is a challenging and enlightening description of one of the greatest mysteries of our time: the brain and how it functions.”

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“Churchland’s take on conscience is likely messier than most of us will find comfort in, yearning as we do for moral clarity and certainty in order to make our decisions easier and put our

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“you cannot be wise about the world around you if you cannot first know yourself.’

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“Hello World looks under the hood of computers and is a good read for everyone about our ‘now’ and our near future.”

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“An overblown title signals a kitchen-sink approach—too much, too repetitive, too speculative. The molecule of more has taken over judgement and discernment.”

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“Swiping our smartphones reorganizes the brain’s sensory-motor maps for the hand.

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“No other species puts so much effort into exploring imaginary territories, nor does it seem so determined to turn the make-believe into the real.”

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The Man Who Couldn’t Stop: OCD and the True Story of a Life Lost in Thought is a gripping memoir that blends personal experience with history and complex empirical research.

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“an intelligently written look into why most people take an optimistic view of life. . . . stimulating discussion . . . in easily understood language . . .