"The author's easy prose and superior, simple organization makes this work an engrossing, entertaining, and educating read on issues important then that echo today in the modern debate on t
“Churchill: The Statesman as Artist is a comprehensive assembly of Churchill’s contributions as an artist as critical to, yet distinct from, his legendary role as
“Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing marks a unique milestone offering a generous souvenir of his extensive paper-based oeuvre, a miraculously well-preserved body
Ben Barres’ autobiography is a matter-of-fact record of a very unusual life, and was completed shortly before his death from pancreatic cancer in December 2017. Barbara Barres—as Ben was born in 1
“Pomerantz has created a fascinating and sympathetic portrait of a superstar athlete whose human sensitivities are on display and whose complexities are laid bare.”
The publication in the West of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago and his subsequent exile from the Soviet Union occurred during the flowering of détente and America’s abandonment
“John Wilsey takes military history a step further, putting us in the many pairs of shoes of those directly involved and effected by the violence and tensions of The Troubles.”
“a conversation loaded with details, ideas, analyses, and a profound understanding of a moment in American literary history and the people who lived it.”
Based on ten years of wide-ranging research, Alan Walker has produced the most comprehensive biography and musical analysis to date on Poland's most famous musician and composer.