Biography, Autobiography & Memoir

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"The author's easy prose and superior, simple organization makes this work an engrossing, entertaining, and educating read on issues important then that echo today in the modern debate on t

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“The Big Fella is an essential addition to the Babe Ruth canon.

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National Review Senior Editor Richard Brookhiser has perfected the art of brief, concise, and reflective biographies of America’s founding generation.

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“Churchill: The Statesman as Artist is a comprehensive assembly of Churchill’s contributions as an artist as critical to, yet distinct from, his legendary role as

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“Andrew Roberts has written the best single-volume biography of Winston Churchill to date.”

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“Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing marks a unique milestone offering a generous souvenir of his extensive paper-based oeuvre, a miraculously well-preserved body

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Ben Barres’ autobiography is a matter-of-fact record of a very unusual life, and was completed shortly before his death from pancreatic cancer in December 2017.  Barbara Barres—as Ben was born in 1

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“Pomerantz has created a fascinating and sympathetic portrait of a superstar athlete whose human sensitivities are on display and whose complexities are laid bare.”

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“his poetic prose is a joy to read even when its vision is pessimistic.”

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Women have always struggled to obtain their due in and from this country, from the Revolution right through to today.

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For most people, obtaining a Ph.D in a scientific discipline is a challenging enough task.

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“Anyone who enjoys true crime is liable to enjoy the story behind Brottman’s search and Rivera’s death.”  

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Back in 2013 Michelle Obama took her anti-childhood obesity campaign to Mississippi. She spoke at an elementary school not far from Jackson.

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The recent retake on A Star is Born, with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, got wonderful reviews.

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". . .a major achievement in the biographer’s art."

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“Rampage reminds us once again that man’s inhumanity to man belies the notion of human progress.

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The publication in the West of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago and his subsequent exile from the Soviet Union occurred during the flowering of détente and America’s abandonment

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What do we have to truly fear about President Donald Trump? He pulled off the successful re-negotiation of the North America Free Trade agreement.

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“John Wilsey takes military history a step further, putting us in the many pairs of shoes of those directly involved and effected by the violence and tensions of The Troubles.”

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“OIivares makes us laugh, cry, and empathize with immigrants grappling with conflicting identities and often unwilling hosts.

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“The Heidlers tell an engrossing story that covers a remarkably complex history in relatively few pages. It is a true page-turner.”

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“a conversation loaded with details, ideas, analyses, and a profound understanding of a moment in American literary history and the people who lived it.”

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Based on ten years of wide-ranging research, Alan Walker has produced the most comprehensive biography and musical analysis to date on Poland's most famous musician and composer.
