Biography, Autobiography & Memoir

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The recent retake on A Star is Born, with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, got wonderful reviews.

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". . .a major achievement in the biographer’s art."

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“Rampage reminds us once again that man’s inhumanity to man belies the notion of human progress.

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The publication in the West of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago and his subsequent exile from the Soviet Union occurred during the flowering of détente and America’s abandonment

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What do we have to truly fear about President Donald Trump? He pulled off the successful re-negotiation of the North America Free Trade agreement.

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“John Wilsey takes military history a step further, putting us in the many pairs of shoes of those directly involved and effected by the violence and tensions of The Troubles.”

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“OIivares makes us laugh, cry, and empathize with immigrants grappling with conflicting identities and often unwilling hosts.

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“The Heidlers tell an engrossing story that covers a remarkably complex history in relatively few pages. It is a true page-turner.”

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“a conversation loaded with details, ideas, analyses, and a profound understanding of a moment in American literary history and the people who lived it.”

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Based on ten years of wide-ranging research, Alan Walker has produced the most comprehensive biography and musical analysis to date on Poland's most famous musician and composer.

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“Waleson’s reporting of the tumultuous history of NYCO is arts journalism at its best.

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“My aim in this book,” writes Polish historian Adam Zamoyski in his captivating new biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, “is not to justify or condemn, but to piece together his life . . .

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Somewhere in the middle of this revelatory and emotionally powerful memoir by Sally Field, she unpacks a story that is a case study in what Hollywood’s casting couch was like, even for an actress w

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Was it only seven years ago when self-referenced “veteran entertainment reporter” Sam Kashner teamed with biographer Nancy Schoenberger to produce that rock-’em, sock-’em tome Furious Love: Eli

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Beyond the obvious reversal of a typical coming-of-age story found in the popular young adult (YA) genre, Madeleine May Kunin’s Coming of Age: My Journey to the Eighties is a memoir full o

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On June 21, 1969, an estimated three-quarters of the British population tuned into Royal Family, a fly-on-the-wall BBC documentary that captured the royals as surprisingly ord

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Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman are often cited as “couple goals” for their 18-year relationship.

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Any reader of the magazine Vanity Fair particularly in the 80’s will be familiar with the glittering cast of celebrities, including celebrity villains, parading the pages of The Vanity

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Olivia Hussey became an international celebrity at the young age of 17 when she landed the role of Juliet in Franco Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet.

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“Lisa Brennan-Jobs is a very good writer who has somehow managed to dredge up debilitating memories without feeling sorry for herself. It’s a compelling read.”

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“Wars are not won by evacuations,” remarked Winston Churchill after 338,226 British and French soldiers were safely transferred from the beaches at Dunkirk to England in late May-early June 1940.

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Anyone seeking to understand the last years of the Cold War should read this book. The central figure is Oleg Gordievsky, now in his eighties and living in a (hopefully) safe house near London.

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“This captivating story will sweep the reader through fascinating and glowing accounts of the great composer’s life . . .”

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Passing for Human is a compelling weaving of stories about author-illustrator Liana Finck's mother, her father, herself and how each of them has difficulties figuring out themselves, figur
