History of Violence is not, as the title suggests, a big, fat tome about human aggression, brute force, and cruelty, though it describes a world in which violence shapes the life of the na
“Alone time gives us permission to pause, to relish the sensual details of the world rather than hurtling through museums and uploading photos to Instagram.”
Greg LeMond was a kid from outside Reno, NV, who joined an elite cycling team in France and went on to unseat Europe’s reigning champions in the sport.
“The long collective hatred of blackness, the calculated policing of sexual difference, the intentional ghettoization of urban centers, and the lure of the American dollar are just a few of the str
Salvador Dali wasn’t the founder of Surrealism, the cultural movement that spread from Europe to the Americas in the 20thcentury. Andre Breton was the founding father.
There is no question that Robin, the new biography by culture reporter David Itzkoff, is comprehensive and well researched, a tour de force about the life of comedian Robin Williams.
“There are three ways of influencing a person: blackmail, vodka, or the threat of murder.” This view, attributed here to Vladimir Putin, casts a penumbra over the entire book.
Paul Simon: The Life is not an autobiography but it might as well be. Simon sat for more than 100 hours of interviews with respected writer Robert Hilburn and made it possible for Hilburn
For weal or woe, many names stand out in the history of our revolution against Great Britain: Nathan Hale, George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and Ethan Allen, for example.