Debra Jarvis

Debra Jarvis is a writer and ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. She is the author of several books, the most recent being It’s Not About the Hair: And Other Certainties of Life & Cancer (Sasquatch Books, 2007), which was finalist for the 2009 Washington State Book Awards. In September 2014 she gave a TEDMED talk that can found on
She has worked as a hospice spiritual counselor, a chaplain for the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, and as a commentator for National Public Radio. In addition to public speaking, she currently serves as writer-in-residence for University Congregational Church in Seattle.
She is the co-host and producer of the podcast "The Art of Risk" and host and producer of the forthcoming podcast "The Final Say: Conversations with People Facing Death." Her video on palliative care can be viewed at
Her dramedy screenplay The Death of Me! is currently looking for a home.