“if we are to judge those who collaborated with Nazis, we must deliberate upon their dilemmas in order to deepen our own definition and sense of humanity.”
“Chapman’s tenacity in sacrificing himself to save the lives of his comrades as other forces attempt to rescue him truly stand out as an example of the best America has to offer . .
When US Army Private Bowe Bergdahl went outside the wire of his military basecamp in Afghanistan in 2009, and wandered around to talk to the enemy, he was within hours captured by the Taliban.
“Friedman’s account of the Arab Section is an eye-opening narrative of the early days of the State of Israel. It is not an optimistic story, but a genuine and sorrowful one.”
“One comes away from Dilip Hiro’s new book Cold War in the Islamic World with a heightened appreciation for the complexities of politics in the Islamic world.
“for anyone interested in understanding the shocking manner in which the rights of the Palestinians, along with international law, have been violated for decades, all with U.S.
“this informative, well-written, and highly controversial book will be enlightening for readers unfamiliar with the long history of war between these two faiths. . . .”
Some say protests in Gaza are useless. Nothing is gained. There are no tangible results. But they may be asking the wrong question. Sometimes, tangible results are not what matters.
Dave Eggers, the accomplished Northern California novelist, returns to nonfiction storytelling with this captivating account of a young Yemeni-American businessman who dreams of reviving his homela
“an insightful book, providing a closeup look at a conflict that has bedeviled the Middle East and only added fuel to the ongoing fires in that region.”