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Clausewitz’s quote—"War is not a mere act of policy but a true political instrument, a continuation of political activity by other means”—is certainly true in the 21st century, and nowhere truer th

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All these case studies are extremely well-written and offer a variety of unique and common lessons learned for future study.”

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The Navy SEALS are the elite of the elite in the military of the United States. They train for missions according to their acronym: SEa, Air and Land.

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Reminiscent of the many great narrative histories of Allied military operations during World War II, this book is absolutely a must read on these wars.”

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“Reading about the incredible bravery of American Marines, many not even 21 years old, shows that the long line of brave servicemen that answered their country’s call to service remains unb

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As the subtitle makes clear, this densely written book compares four wars, starting with World War II, and attempts to explain why the "strategic architecture," the author's term for the combinatio

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“accomplishes a challenging goal of tying all of these conflicts together into a coherent narrative . . .”

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Such is the molten hot fury of Syria’s now almost seven-year conflict, that it seems hard to think back to how things were before.

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“The real war will never get in the books.” J.

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“Volumes such as this one can help inform and shape the debate that will hopefully move beyond partisan fallout and examine these wars more methodically.”

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“No other writer has moved me as much as Benjamin Busch has in writing about war. No other writer has created such a moment of grace . . .