“The book’s blurbs give insight into where the story is supposed to go, but it is a long time in getting there—and the way it gets there is less than compelling overall.”
“For a reader who derives pleasure from historical accuracy and realistically drawn personalities, Richard Mason’s rich descriptions may seem superficial and anachronistic, much like the em
“While The House at Tyneford clearly lacks the inventiveness, quality, and literary heft of Jane Eyre, it is unmistakably an homage to Bronte’s novel.”
“Umberto Eco is one of just a handful of writers that can be trusted to take me by the hand and lead me into a world that, on first glimpse, I don’t want to venture into.
“This review’s brief synopsis cannot possibly convey the novel’s wealth of detail and interconnected plot elements that demand attentive reading. . . .
“The Wrecker is a truly magnificent historical adventure with a relentless pace, speedy as the trains it describes, populated by noble heroes and dastardly villains.