Don’t Wake the Tiger begins right out of the gate as the tiger on the cover sleeps with eyes shut tight. A red sticker invites us to “Watch the faces change!” Intriguing.
“Duck and Hippo: The Secret Valentine is a happy story of friendship, perfect for circle time at preschool or one-on-one time in a parent’s or grandparent’s lap.”
Good Morning, Neighbor is a sweet, repetitive tale that explores how food can build community. Mouse wants to make an omelet and asks his neighbor, the blackbird, for an egg.
This colorful book, TheCrocodile and the Dentist, has only 128 words in it, and many of them are repeated. First the crocodile says he is afraid. Then the dentist repeats it.
Young children will find The Perfect Pillow to be the perfect bedtime companion. The story depicts a timeless problem most children experience: sleeplessness.