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“How many other magazines of any kind of during that era that included articles about Zen Buddhism, diamond shopping, and art appreciation—all with a masculine slant?”

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“Alan Moore: Conversations is undoubtedly a definitive, scholarly collection for Mr. Moore’s fans, but as the book’s editor Eric Berlatsky points out: ‘. . .

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“Richard Poplak compellingly combines a selection of Igor Kenk’s own words with clever and pointed commentary to create a remarkable narrative.

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“The Next Day is a creative and worthy undertaking, a unique and powerful discussion of an issue that is at once growing in pervasiveness and intensely tragic and troubling.”

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“Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits is valuable primarily for those particularly interested in what the gurus of the branding industry have to say about where branding was in

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“This biography could have easily been titled The Tale of Two Colberts; however, Colbert’s signature ‘truthiness’ seems to befit the style and enjoyment Ms.

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“. . . thorough, thoughtful, and exceptionally well written. . . . Page One is a most encompassing volume on the issue of the future of journalism and newspapers. . . .
