David Rosman

David Rosman, MA, has settled down in the “middle of Middle America” where he is an internationally read commentator for the Columbia Missourian (Columbia, MO) and InkandVoice.com, as well as a reviewer for the New York Journal of Books.
Mr. Rosman is the author or contributing editor to twelve-professional development textbooks and more than 50 articles concerning professional and political communication.
Active in local, state and national politics, Mr. Rosman has run for political office, and has served as campaign and communication manager for candidate and issue campaigns. He is also an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church. Today his focus is on politics and religion, and he is a nationally known speaker on the subject of “Church and State.”
Mr. Rosman invites you to join him on all the social networking sites as well as on his own website, so you can follow his newest commentaries and his speaking calendar.