Many a book on the subject of London and its contribution to men’s fashion has been written and expounded upon, but few have found a truly unique way to tackle the topic and stay the course.
The Finest Menswear in the World is not about mere men’s fashion as it is commonly thought of; this monograph is about men’s fashion that transcends our common perception of such.
G. Bruce Boyer has, in essence, created an encyclopedia of men’s fashion and style. True Style is the how, when, why and history, including origins, of all men’s fashion.
“How many other magazines of any kind of during that era that included articles about Zen Buddhism, diamond shopping, and art appreciation—all with a masculine slant?”
“. . . not about brands; he is about style, make, quality, fabric, as well as type of manufacture including machine made, hand finish, handmade, and bespoke.
“If there is anyone on your holiday list who is a devotee of Chanel or a card-carrying fashion maniac, then receiving this book will thrill them to no end.