True Style: The History and Principles of Classic Menswear

G. Bruce Boyer has, in essence, created an encyclopedia of men’s fashion and style. True Style is the how, when, why and history, including origins, of all men’s fashion. He absolutely leaves no stone unturned nor any facet of fashion and style unaddressed.
True Style is the most comprehensive and all-encompassing volume on the topic of men’s fashion that has ever passed in front of these eyes. From the selection of eyeglasses to the shine on your shoes and everything in between, there is no detail too small or any aspect of style that is passed over. One might go so far as to say that Boyer’s “coverage” of men’s fashion and style includes all of its minutiae as well.
Besides the advice, the wonderful and knowledgeable narrative, Mr. Boyer offers the reader the history, an aspect of fashion and style that is so often overlooked within this genre of books unless the book is specifically and exclusively addressing the historical aspects of fashion and style. There are those of us who truly believe that to understand what is, one must know what was.
Boyer wants to impress upon the reader that how we present ourselves or dress ourselves determines how we are perceived by those who we encounter. This is something that too often is overlooked by most men and again it stems from the shine on your shoes to which eyeglass frames you might choose. So many men neglect to realize that fashion, style, and good grooming can affect the outcome of many a meeting, business or social.
The purchaser and eventual reader of this book might hunger for everything you ever wanted to know and never knew to ask about men’s fashion and style or want a textbook on the topic or be desirous of some helpful hints about their sartorial choices. To the more seasoned among us, one of the most valuable lessons to be learned will be the silent signals we can emit by how we show ourselves in the world every day.