
Reviewed by: 

“In The Guarded Gate, Okrent shows tremendous insight but also tremendous restraint, letting the alarming rise of racist eugenics unfold in its own time, and painstakingly document

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“While Harriett Tubman had her underground railroad, Margaret Culbertson and her successor Donaldina Cameron, daughter of a Scottish sheep farmer, had their Presbyterian Mission House at 92

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“A wall cannot be built to stop immigration. We have to learn to make the best of it.”

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This is the time of stories about refugees and immigrants in every format possible.

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Laura Wides-Muñoz’s book The Making of a Dream: How a Group of Young Undocumented Immigrants Helped Change What It Means to Be American is out just weeks before a reported 800,000 Dreamers

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This beautiful and horrifying memoir should be required reading by anyone who feels that immigration is the nation’s number one issue right now.

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offers real solutions to the problems immigration poses and gives us facts to combat false narratives and hateful political discourse.”

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“This is a must-read book for everyone who is debating the refugee crisis . . .”
