A new publication by Jung Chang the author of the bestselling Wild Swans is always going to be an event, and the Empress Dowager Cixi: The Concubine Who Launched Modern China seem
“. . . to be lauded for his scholarship and the depth of his research. . . . both thorough and complete. His failure is in not bringing Swanson alive in these pages.”
Jorge Luis Borges is considered the patron saint of computer programmers for his mastership of infinity and self-reflection, and Borges at 80 is a reprint of the same title published by th
The question is not whether director Rouben Mamoulian ever received the credit due him for his myriad contributions to the original production of George Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess (or, for
Kate Christensen’s autobiography Blue Plate Special is remarkable for three reasons. First: The appetites mentioned in the subtitle are yearnings for good food and fulfilling sex.