Biography, Autobiography & Memoir

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“. . . the best literary biography to see print thus far this year. Period.”

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“The narrative becomes poetry as the author describes the simplest and the most complex parts of life in the salty desert.”

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“In its crisp brevity, End of the Good Life should be read by the under- and unemployed millions of Millennials.”

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“Unfortunately, Life’s Operating Manual is not the book to dispense to the caretakers of all the new arrivals at your local maternity ward.”

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“Recommended for readers who prefer poetry and criticism to platitudes or self-help texts . . .”

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There is a reason why you may not have heard of Miles Aldridge, and it is the same reason why this book is one of those memorable experiences that comes with discovery of the unexpected.

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“For anyone contemplating visiting or living in The Netherlands, In the City of Bikes is a must read.”

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“. . . a window to the massive Nazi plan to rid Europe of every Jewish man, woman and child.

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“. . . anyone interested in either political biographies and/or the recent history of America’s foreign policy [should read] this very interesting and informative book.”

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“Understanding the man behind Fox News, how his juggernaut was assembled, and how it is captained shines a new light on news reporting—whether one leans port or starboard.”

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“Plath turned her ‘anger inward,’ transforming and crystalizing 30 days of pain, parties, and work into a legacy that continues to resonate.”

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If the old and somewhat tattered adage is true and “many a true word is spoken in jest,” then Dave Bry has a great deal to answer for, because in his Public Apology he makes a great many j
