Elizabeth M. Lockwood
For 21 years Dr. Elizabeth M. Lockwood has collaborated professionally and academically in the field of disability and deaf studies in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and the Navajo Nation. Dr. Lockwood has worked with various global and national organizations and is cofounder and board member of Deaf We Can, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focusing on legal rights and advocacy for global Deaf communities.
Dr. Lockwood has conducted ethnographic research in Nicaragua, Uruguay, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States. In 1998 she created the first sign language dictionary at the Hogar Escuela in Ciudad Darío, Nicaragua. For two years Dr. Lockwood carried out research with the Deaf community in Uruguay, first as a Fulbright Scholar and second as an Inter-American Foundation Grassroots Development Fellow.
Dr. Lockwood holds a PhD in Disability Studies and a Master of Public Policy with specialization in International Development and Disability. Dr. Lockwood also studied international human rights at the United Nations University in Tokyo and is fluent in Spanish, American Sign Language, and four additional sign languages. Currently Dr. Lockwood is a visiting lecturer of Deaf Studies at College of the Holy Cross and an adjunct professor of education at the University of Arizona.