Biography, Autobiography & Memoir

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This magisterial biography rightly places John Quincy Adams at the forefront of great American statesmen.”

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“Night Flyer reminds readers that even the most unlikely of persons can impact their worlds, for good or evil.

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“Paul McCartney, put it well. He said she had ‘the best female voice in the world, melodic, tuneful, distinctive.’”

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As much as 76-year-old Francine Prose is saying, there always seems to be so much more she is not telling us.

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"Avid fans will delight in recognizing where certain elements in the Snicket list originated."

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Sebastian Junger’s journey through the murky labyrinth of the near-death experience begins with an eerie series of events, if not premonitions, as if he was preparing for his death while fighting f

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Clausewitz’s quote—"War is not a mere act of policy but a true political instrument, a continuation of political activity by other means”—is certainly true in the 21st century, and nowhere truer th

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This is, depending on how you look at the oeuvre, Patti Davis’ fifth book about her parents, the Reagans, though you only learn about one of the others from the “Also by Patti Dav

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Between Two Trailers will keep you reading, just as Hillbilly Elegy and The Glass Castle did. The author has quite the story to tell . . .”

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“Today, we require individuals with strength of spirit over the banality of evil, bravery over the malicious, and empathy for victims of hatred and lies.

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Many people may have read the articles, tweets, or even previous books of New York Times journalist Nicholas D Kristof but Chasing Hope is his first autobiography.

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The fathers and mothers who came home from World War II suffered from some reentry problems (see the 1946 film The Best Years of Our Lives) but for the most part these members of the Great

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“a thorough and candid assessment of a great actor’s life and enduring influence.”

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“FDR, as Gerhardt shows, was certainly one of the most consequential presidents in our nation’s history, but consequential and greatness are not the same thing.”

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Do Beatles fans really want to revisit this painful, bitter, divisive time in the life of the band who otherwise gave the world so much joy?”

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“Only to the white man was nature a ‘wilderness’ and only to him was the land ‘infected’ with ‘wild animals’ and ‘savage’ people.”
—Luther Standing Bear

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“a gift to anyone interested in African American history and African American writing . . .”

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Presenting Lee Krasner as a new release is a bit of a misnomer, as it is actually just the paperback edition of the exhibition catalog created for the 2019 show of the artist’s work at the

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Bits and Pieces by . . . Whoopi Goldberg . . . is a rare gem among many ho-hum celebrity memoirs."

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a fascinating collection of case studies of cross-cultural adoption . . .”

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“The Fixer is a fascinating read that is almost like looking in someone’s medicine cabinet—you know you’re not supposed to but curiosity gets the better of you.”

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“When we first arrived in the United States, my father made me dictate everything I could remember about the years while we were apart.” These valuable notes form the basis for Janet Singer Applefi

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“So many times in life, one must put on an act.” 

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A Life Impossible is a well-written and remarkable book in its honesty. It will be an inspiration to many, . . .”
