Sarah James is a medical intern in San Francisco living in a pre-war building in Pacific Heights. Overworked and often exhausted, Sarah enjoys her neighbors who are mostly senior citizens.
“Berry takes her protagonist down the path to discovery, and the perpetrator turns out to be the least likely character. It is a very satisfying ending.”
This contemplative thriller commences in the summer of 1986 in Opal Beach, New Jersey, when posters dotted the area of a missing girl named Maureen Haddaway.
“This is a very entertaining novel, full of local color equally in Boston, Romania, and Istanbul, where the author dwells lovingly, with the finesse of a gourmand, over the many meals the c
“Bob Proehl’s The Nobody People is a thought-provoking exploration of what it is like to be an extraordinarily gifted somebody in a world filled with average but paranoid and bigot
“Bomber’s Moon delivers action and adventure, passion and compassion, philosophy and pathos, deft characterization across diverse personalities and backgrounds, description of plac
“With a diverse and colorful cast of characters, and two very challenging crimes to solve, The Empty Birdcage is a delightful telling of the relationship between a pair of siblings
When “the brass upstairs decided to promote a brown-nosing pile of crap and my least favorite partner ever, a fellow by the name of Paul Kramer, to be my boss . . .
“DeDakis, a former journalist, can’t decide whether he’s writing a mystery, a political roman à clef or a YA book, and the result is none of the above.”