Against the backdrop of turn-of-the-century France, a merry band of master crafters are swept into an adventure involving rival secret societies, rumors of the occult, and a complex network of hidd
“A delightful cozy romance and mystery, set in the middle of a decade when times might be changing but the motives for murder remained surprisingly the same.”
“Those who value similar portrayals of place as character—as in Louise Penny’s Three Pines, for instance—will treasure A Fatal Lie and its Welsh backdrop.”
“Best of all, Marion Lane responds to deadly threat with creative assessment, and growth in both expertise and self-esteem, so the promised ongoing series featuring this maturing sleuth has
The Indian city of Bombay, renamed Mumbai by the government in 1995, is one of those international cities, like Shanghai and Istanbul, that is drenched in romance and intrigue.
“A Scotland Yard inspector, dropped into the gang-dominated circumstances of New York City shortly before the advent of the Civil War, must overcome cultural prejudices to solve a series of
“Lovegrove has taken familiar characters from a much-loved story and created an intriguing maze with twists and turns and dead ends that all culminate in a surprise ending.”
“With the tone and style of an old-fashioned murder noir, written from the female point of view, Fortune Favors the Dead is the beginning of a stellar period piece in a hard-boiled
“a definite adventure in a Gilded Age, full of scandals of the elite and crimes of the nondescript, where some readers may find a jaundiced correlation to today’s world.”